Operação Nariz Vermelho has a mission: to bring joy to children hospitalized in 21 hospitals across the country. Our Clown Doctors transform circumstances into smiles, moments into laughter and instants into giggles.
Operação Nariz Vermelho’s mission is to bring joy to hospitalised children, their families and healthcare professionals through the art and image of the Clown Doctor, on a regular basis and with a team of specifically trained professionals.
Since 2002, this service has been offered to hospitals and financed by the community through private and corporate donations.
Put your nose to the grindstone for this mission!
bring joy to
8 hospitalized children
monthly bring joy to
16 hospitalized children
per month allows a duo of Doctor Clowns to visit six pediatric wards, including Intensive Care units and Operating Blocks.
Choose your amount to support us!
bring joy to
2 hospitalized children
bring joy to
4 hospitalized children
allow a duo of Doctor Clowns to visit a Pediatric Department.
Choose your amount to support us!
Inheritances and Legacies
Why leave your legacy to Operação Nariz Vermelho?
At ONV we work on the healthy side of the child – the encounter between Doctor Clown and the hospitalised child gives the child back the ability to play (which illness sometimes takes away) – and transforms the period of hospitalisation into a more positive experience, and this effect is also felt by the parents/carers and hospital professionals.
The ONV receives no support from the state and is financed exclusively by the community. All the money we raise goes towards the sustainability of the Mission, so that we can continue to ensure that we are able to maintain our team and offer hospitals the programme of regular and continuous visits by our artists.
Operação Nariz Vermelho values rigour and transparency in the presentation of its accounts, which are audited annually by a Chartered Accountant. These are published on our website ( and available in our Annual Report, which is sent to our Donors, Members and Partners .
How can you include Operação Nariz Vermelho in your will?
If you want to leave part of your estate (inheritance) or a specific asset (legacy), without harming the share of your legitimate heirs, you can make a Solidarity Will and thus include associations such as Operação Nariz Vermelho in your will.
If you wish to leave us some of your assets, you must include Operação Nariz Vermelho in your will, which must be signed before a Notary (or subsequently validated by the Notary), determining the part of your estate, the asset or the amount of money you wish to leave us.
What kind of assets can you leave to Operação Nariz Vermelho?
A little help makes a big difference to the running of our association. Through your legacy, you help to ensure that hospitalised children have the opportunity to smile even though they are in a place that is no joke. In this way, all kinds of movable property, immovable property, money, insurance or shares will be very well allocated and will make a difference to the hundreds of services in the hospitals we visit.
Payment of Fines/Injunction
Payments of Fines/Injunction
Did you know that you can turn your fine into a gesture of solidarity?
As a Private Social Solidarity Institution, we are eligible to receive donations from fines imposed by the courts.
This simple act can make a difference to the lives of hospitalised children.
Help us bring more joy to the paediatric services. By donating your fine, you are contributing to our mission.
Note: Put the Case Number in the ‘Additional Information’ field (if you want to make a one-off donation, click here).
‘…the importance that, as individuals, we have the obligation to dedicate some of our available time to noble causes that greatly contribute to the daily well-being of others. Having the ability to generate joy by dedicating a little of our time through commitment/ability in carrying out tasks is something I will do in the future, so don’t hesitate to ask for my collaboration for any event.’
(Grace volunteer, Oct 2012)
After being validated by the Board of Directors, Operação Nariz Vermelho members form part of the governing bodies, having a voice and vote at General Assemblies, as well as associated rights and duties.
The annual membership fee is €50.00.
Find out more about the structure and organization of ONV here.
Members receive our newsletters, the annual accounts report, the notice for the General Assembly and invitations to events organized by ONV.
If you would like more information, please send an email to [email protected].
IRS Consignment
Donating 1% of your personal income tax (IRS) doesn’t incur any cost or loss of tax benefit.
When you fill out your tax return in Form 3 Box 11 Field 1101 – Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade, enter our NIF: 506 133 729.
Solidarity Event
Organize a fundraising event or campaign by ordering our Red Noses.
Everyone should have a nose in their pocket, even in a marathon where you can sponsor the kilometers that are run.