Your Company can also prescribe joy!

Dia do Nariz Vermelho is a special day when we celebrate the importance that a smile can have on a child’s life. Your company can make a contribution to ensuring that the programme of weekly visits to hospitalised children is maintained, as well as exercising its social responsibility, involving employees in a social cause and encouraging teamwork.

“Para nós a Operação Nariz Vermelho significou muito para além das vendas, ter a certeza que por cada nariz que se vendesse, alguma criança hospitalizada iria ser ajudada era o nosso maior objetivo.”

(Colaboradores VIVA, Aveiras)

It's a very simple initiative to operationalise and at no cost to your company!

Sign up

Fill in your school’s registration form and place your order for the classic noses and the magnificent 2024 SURPRISESDOUBLE GAME and the new BOTTLE. We hope you enjoy the NEWS!


Choose the solidarity products you want to receive* which are sent on consignment (meaning we don’t count them until the end) and appeal for solidarity from your colleagues, the security guard, the cleaning lady and, of course, the boss!

In 2024 we have two BIG NEWS!

Be an Ambassador

Be a hero for a day and wear the shirt for this cause. Sensitise, involve and motivate the whole team for this mission. Spread the word about DNV everywhere: in the corridors, in the lifts, at reception, at the concierge desk and in the meeting rooms…


Put your nose to the grindstone and raise funds by selling the solidarity products sent in. All products revert 100 per cent to our mission!

Tidy up

The action is over but there are products left over? Contact us to speed up the return and collection process*.


Hand over the funds raised by deposit or bank transfer to NIB 0033.0000.45393177204.05 by 30 June. Don’t forget to send us the identified receipt by email!

*Free deliveries and collections with the support of Torrestir.

Stick your nose in for this cause and see our solidarity products!

See here!