The most common questions about Operação Nariz Vermelho... - Operação Nariz Vermelho Skip to main content

What is Operação Nariz Vermelho?

Operação Nariz Vermelho – Associação de Apoio à Criança  is a non-profit IPSS (Private Social Solidarity Institution) whose mission is to bring joy to hospitalised children, their carers and families and hospital staff through the art and image of the Clown Doctors.


The ONV was set up on 4 June 2002. How did it all begin?

It all began with the dream of Beatriz Quintella, the founder of the organisation, to bring joy to children in hospitals. The inspiration came from an article about Clown Doctors visiting hospitals in the United States. There were still no institutions like this in Portugal, so Beatriz proposed that the D. Estefânia Hospital start a similar project there with her ‘Dr da Graça’, and so this Mission of Joy began.


How many hospitals are you in at the moment?

The ONV currently visits more than 170 paediatric services in 21 public hospitals (13 in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, 6 in the North and 2 in the Centre), which represent 58% of the hospital institutions with paediatric services in the National Health Service.